Whau Village
(by John Buchanan, Esq.)
[From Wise’s New Zealand Post Directory,
1875-76, part III. John Buchanan was a prominent farmer and landowner in
Avondale from the early 1860s to early 1880s. He was a merchant with a warehouse
business in Karanghape Road, who was an inaugural member of the Mt Albert
Highway District Board in 1866, then an inaugural member of the Whau Board in
1868. He was an Elder in the Whau Presbyterian Church, donating land to the
Church in the 1870s. The first Librarian of the Whau Library in 1868, he was
also involved with the Whau Public School Committee. He left Avondale around
1884, when a fire destroyed much of his farm.]
The Whau Village is
situated on the Whau Creek, and is about six miles from Auckland, on the Great
North Road. The isthmus at this point is about two miles broad, and the
construction of a ship canal, for which the configuration of the country offers
great facilities, has been contemplated connecting the two great harbours of the
Manukau and the Waitemata. Were this work carried out, it would be a vast boon
to this part of the Colony.
A road through the Mount Albert Highway District connects the Whau with the Mt
Eden side of Auckland.
The Presbyterian Church, in the centre of the township, is a neat building; and
a public hall was built about 6 years ago, in which the Episcopalian Church
holds divine services every Sunday. A school with about 50 pupils is taught by a
first class certified teacher and his assistant.
A spacious hotel was erected here recently, offering accommodation second to
none in the province, outside of the city.
The creek is navigable to small vessels and steamers, and on the banks the
manufacturing of bricks, tiles and pottery is carried on successfully.
The Star flour mills, and Messrs Gittos’ tannery, the latter of which employs a
great many workmen, are both in this district. There are three stores, a
carpenter, and two smith shops.
An express plies daily once each way, by the Great North Road; and, by way of
Mount Albert, an omnibus twice.
The district, where not cultivated, has a bleak muirland aspect, but the land is
grateful for good treatment. Large quantities of butter, potatoes and oaten hay
have been sent in from here.
Looking towards the Waitemata, over the Whau Flat, from the rising ground above,
one of the sweetest English and home-like scenes is witnessed that can be seen
in this country.
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