Avondale in 1911
(N Z Herald, 15 May 1911)
A glance at the recent census returns shows that the population of Avondale has increased by over 500 since the previous "counting of heads", and stands now well over 2000, but as a matter of fact the bulk of this increase has taken place during the last two years. The day is past when the township lying a bare four miles west from Mount Eden railway station can be derogatorily alluded to as the Whau, and a tour round the township area discloses the fact that vast improvements are taking place, and that a building boom on quite a respectable scale is in progress.
On leaving the station by the northern exit one faces the Walton Estate. The taking over of what were formerly undedicated roads on this estate by the local Road Board has caused this block to become quite a hive of industry. What was a year or two ago a series of paddocks is now dotted about with fine residences, and there are several others nearing completion.
Adjoining the station, to the left of the Walton Estate, is what, up to within the last few weeks, was an eyesore to residents -- a large paddock overgrown with gorse. Mr. Campbell has recently purchased this, and has had it cleared, and plans are being prepared by Mr. Munro Wilson for levelling and subdividing the area into building sections.
On the south side of the railway a number of houses have been erected recently, and as this portion of the district will be one of the first to participate in the loan of £15,500 recently sanctioned by the ratepayers for road improvements, close settlement will probably soon extend right to Blockhouse Bay, an inlet of the Manukau Harbour.
Avondale was the first suburb in which blocks of land were set apart for workmen's homes. For a time the sections went begging, but now every section has been taken up.
During the last few weeks the Auckland Gas Company have extended their mains on the Great North Road and Princes-street, and it is expected that a considerable further extension will be made shortly.
Still further proof of the growth of Avondale is disclosed by the fact that, although an addition was made to the main school about four years ago, and a new side school was erected at Avondale South about 18 months ago, it is now clear that before the year is out further enlargements must be made, as there are a great number of pupils in excess of the accommodation now provided.
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