Avondale in 1923
(N Z Herald, 20 April 1923)
The following was from
an annual report given by the first Mayor of Avondale Borough, J. W. Kinniburgh,
during the last days of his administration. Later that month, W. Tait would win
the mayoral election which Kinniburgh did not contest.
A review of the first year of the life of Avondale as a borough was given by the retiring Mayor, Mr. J. Kinniburgh, on Wednesday evening.
The Mayor said that when the council took office on May 3 last, over a month of the financial year had elapsed. The credit balance of £200 in the General Fund brought forward from March 31, 1922 had been converted into a debit of £650 or, in other words, one-eighth of the total year's income had already been expended. During the eleven months covered by the council's administration there had been several heavy calls on the general revenue for special items, including £2000 for supplies of metal, shell, etc., and purchase of bitumen and tar. In spite of these extra drains on the funds the council had kept the expenditure within the income, reaching the end of the year with a credit balance of nearly £200. It also was able to hand to the new council road material worth between £600 and £700. The loan accounts were in a very satisfactory position. The Hospital and Charitable Aid and Drainage Board Contribution accounts are in credit £190 and £64 respectively. On the water supply a debit balance of £314 was shown in the account, but the outstanding water accounts for the half-year should wipe this shortage out. To complete the reticulation of the water area, it was necessary to increase the amount of the original loan (£14,000) by an additional £1000. The reticulation is now completed. A loan of £5900 had been raised for the purchase of road-making plant, quarry machinery, fire brigade station, landing stage, and other improvements.
During the year permits had been issued for 63 new dwelling houses, 6 shops and business premises, and two public buildings, at a total cost of £39,600. For glass-houses, shed, garages, etc., 53 permits have been granted, and 31 for alterations and additions to existing buildings. The total value represents improvements to the amount of £46,000; a weekly outlay of close on £900 throughout the year. Relatively to population, the increase in new dwellings was equal to that of Mount Albert, a borough which has always been cited as being in the forefront in building activities and general progress.
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