Avondale in 1926
(N Z Herald, 12 January 1926)
The year just drawing to a close has been one of steady progress in Avondale, and it is estimated the population has now reached the 5000-mark. Throughout the year the erection of dwellings has been steadily maintained, the actual number of new houses built being 112, or an average of over two a week. The estimated value of these houses is £63,218. Other buildings erected in the period under review number 16, of the value of £8643, making a grand total of £76,287 spent in the building trade in Avondale.
Land agents report steady inquiry for sections, especially in Avondale South, in the vicinity of Blockhouse Bay. Values of property at that end of the borough have shown a decided upward tendency lately, influenced largely, no doubt, by the fact that the reticulation of electric light and water is being vigorously extended. There have been so many divisions of estates that with the exception of a few properties at the extreme end of Rosebank Road, Manukau Road and New Windsor Road, there are very few properties in Avondale now of a larger area than 20 acres.
The indications are that next year will see even greater building activity. Quite a number of the local builders have sufficient orders in hand to keep them busy for several months, while included in the programme are works which will radically alter the business area. The construction of two large blocks of shops will be started next month at the corner of Great North Road and Rosebank Roads, while opposite one of them, on the Great North Road, considerable additions will be made early in the New Year. From the strictly municipal point of view the year has been one of preparation rather than of accomplishment, but immediately the holidays are over a large gang will be employed on new road work, loan moneys exceeding £64,000 being available.
The erection of a large hot-mix bitumen plant is in hand, and it is expected that the official trial run will take place in about a fortnight. After that every endeavour will be made by the Borough Council to keep the plant working at full capacity right through the summer months. As the capacity of the plant is 1000 yards a day striking improvements to streets should take place in the course of a few months.
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